August 4, 2009

Giving all new meaning to, "Bend an elbow"

Holy Crap.

I'm sorry fellas...this one's for the ladies tonight. I was sitting here thinking about the post I was going to make about Summer smells and Summer sounds.....but I just can't seem to get that started because my mind keeps drifting. It sort of goes with the Summer theme. Sort of. So let's put that post on the back burner and let me charge ahead with this other one.

White tee-shirts.

More specifically, men IN white tee-shirts.

Are you warm? Can you turn a fan on? Because it's getting hot in here. Stark white, soft grey, athletic grey.....oh my, oh my. I am not a chic who gets mad at guys for checking out other chics in dresses, tank tops, tight jeans-whatev. If it looks good, appreciate it. It would be hypocritical of me to get bothered by it because you better damn well believe that I check out those tee-shirt clad guys on the train or the sidewalk or the office building across the way.

Oh hell yeah I do. Specifically, I love that three inch space between the elbow and the sleeve.

SEE?! You can understand how I am too distracted tonight with these thoughts of tee-shirts to write a Summer post about fireflies, full moons, garden hoses and screen doors. Yeah, I'd rather contemplate elbows and sleeves. Simple, inexpensive, yet effective, turn-ons.

Don't worry, if this wasn't what you were expecting to read from me, I'm sure it will pass and I'll be back to my sarcastic witty self in the next post.........come back and see for yourself.

Just know it sure would be cooler if you have a tee-shirt on.

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