August 27, 2009

Fuck it

I'm going back red.

August 26, 2009

Marilyn's Wisdom

I read this every single day. Sometimes it registers that I'm reading it, other days I'm just skimming the words, habitually. Today is one of those days the meaning is not lost on me. I know someone for whom it will not be lost on either. You're a tough chick, my friend. This will be a part of your past and better things will come along.

I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they go right.
You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust yourself.
And sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.

- Marilyn Monroe

August 25, 2009

A True "Commuter" Breakfast: sometimes a hardboiled egg just doesn't cut it.

My new favorite meal.

1 egg
1/3cup egg whites
1/4 cup chopped Canadian bacon
1/4 cup fat free Feta cheese
1/4 cup diced green pepper

Spray Butter or Pam*
4 slices fresh tomato*
2 slices whole wheat bread, English muffin or bagel*
Pepper/Hot Sauce*

In a glass Mason jar - with lid - crack egg and add the next four ingredients. Tightly secure lid to jar. Throw it in your bag and jump on your bike. Ride approximately 8 miles.

Spray a microwave safe dish with butter spray or Pam and dump in egg concoction. Microwave on high for about 3 minutes or until egg is no longer liquid. While microwaving egg, toast bread and slice tomato. Divide egg concoction between the two pieces of toast and top with pepper, hot sauce and tomato.

*Because I regularly make this at work, I keep fresh tomato, hot sauce and bread on-hand at the office rather than try and commute with it.

August 18, 2009

Deficient in more ways than one

I've learned that I have a rather extreme vitamin 'D' deficiency. Since learning of my inadequate-ness I have decided all my troubles must be a result of low levels of Vitamin D......Physical, mental, financial and personal frustrations......they must all be affected by not having enough vitamin D.

All I have to do is get more vitamin D and everything will be perfect. I'm on my way to the drugstore, want me to pick some up for you too? Maybe that's all any of us need......more D.

August 13, 2009

Someone's Over Reacting

Hmmm........who could it be now? Who could it be?

Me. I'm the over reactor. Add it to the list.

I went to the doctor today. Routine, mostly. Though I haven't been feeling tip-top lately. I experience regular bouts of insomnia and I've had it pretty consistent for the past month. I've tried to be excited about it -- think how much I could get done with an extra four hours every night! But it's really annoying. I want to sleep when I'm supposed to be working, I'm a zombie on the train in the's just not a good time. I decided it would be best to go ahead and have everything ruled out, so blood work was on the agenda today. I also knew that I had to get a booster shot. Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough.

Whooping Cough? Yeah.

Initially I was more freaked out about the booster than I was about the blood work. I don't like needles. I don't like the smell of rubbing alcohol. And I make sure to tell the nurse that when she walks thru the door. Today was no different. Except that it was.

Things got all out of order and I ended up sitting in that horribly designed paper napkin night gown ----which I don't understand why they bother saying "ties in the front" because it's not like it stays tied or conceals anything. I'd say just save the forty-two cents and have the patients sit naked as a jay bird ---so there I sit and the nurse comes in for the blood work, except that I'm expecting Dr. B so then when she knocks and comes in its like a big party. And I look like the guest that thought it was a clothing optional soiree. Party foul.

So I sit there trying to be nonchalant and casual in my barely there dress and stocking feet while the two ladies catch up on the gossip around the office. When they remember I'm there they get down to business and start to prep my arm for the taking of the blood.

Now, let me state that while I hate needles I'm lucky that my left arm's vein is like Old Faithful. It's accessible and cooperative. With the exception of today. As I sit there with my eyes averted I feel the pinch and the burn and then I hear her say, "hmmm, honey did you not drink any water this morning?"


So now I start getting a little panicky and I feel her start rooting around trying to latch in and strike a vein. She finally gets it and starts sucking out the four vials she'll need. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing. About the third one in I hear Dr. B say, "Honey are you feeli----" and then I was out. How fortunate that I was already seated on the table because it came in handy. Not only am I the party guest that shows up scantily clad, but now I have flashed the other guests. I'm never getting invited back.

I was only out for a matter a seconds but the nurse made the mistake of worrying about me and not the blood that was running down my arm from when I fell back. So when I come to and look at the mess the bees start buzzing and I feel like I'm headed back to the pass out palace. By the time the exam was thru and the booster came, I was as seasoned as a junkie. Bring it.

I deserved a gold star and a cookie. Instead, I got a non-latex band-aid and a co-pay. Life can be really unfair as an adult.

August 4, 2009

Giving all new meaning to, "Bend an elbow"

Holy Crap.

I'm sorry fellas...this one's for the ladies tonight. I was sitting here thinking about the post I was going to make about Summer smells and Summer sounds.....but I just can't seem to get that started because my mind keeps drifting. It sort of goes with the Summer theme. Sort of. So let's put that post on the back burner and let me charge ahead with this other one.

White tee-shirts.

More specifically, men IN white tee-shirts.

Are you warm? Can you turn a fan on? Because it's getting hot in here. Stark white, soft grey, athletic grey.....oh my, oh my. I am not a chic who gets mad at guys for checking out other chics in dresses, tank tops, tight jeans-whatev. If it looks good, appreciate it. It would be hypocritical of me to get bothered by it because you better damn well believe that I check out those tee-shirt clad guys on the train or the sidewalk or the office building across the way.

Oh hell yeah I do. Specifically, I love that three inch space between the elbow and the sleeve.

SEE?! You can understand how I am too distracted tonight with these thoughts of tee-shirts to write a Summer post about fireflies, full moons, garden hoses and screen doors. Yeah, I'd rather contemplate elbows and sleeves. Simple, inexpensive, yet effective, turn-ons.

Don't worry, if this wasn't what you were expecting to read from me, I'm sure it will pass and I'll be back to my sarcastic witty self in the next post.........come back and see for yourself.

Just know it sure would be cooler if you have a tee-shirt on.