December 22, 2008


It's good to have you here. I'm glad you could join me. I hope you like what I have to share. It's mostly mundane and it's not entirely unique, but sometimes when it's happening to someone else you either feel better about your situation or you see a solution to try for yourself that wasn't apparent before.

I promise as much wit, sarcasm and insight as this blog can possibly create. Please drop by often or even daily -- but I doubt you'll miss anything life changing if you stop by once a week. And I'll try my damn, I mean darn, hardest to watch the colorful language. Though sometimes the best way to paint the picture is to dip your brush into some foul language and paint. I'll just apologize now.

Oh, and I should get this on the table before we venture any further.....Perfect is overrated. There are only so many mistakes I can catch before posting. I will probably spell words incorrectly, use the wrong grammar or punctuation and will most definitely make so many wrong choices in my daily decisions that I lose count. Please feel free to make a drinking game out of the latter.

As for the spelling and word choices...just follow my lead, I'll get you to where we are headed eventually.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this new blog page. I know you have many blog choices these days and I truly appreciate that you chose mine for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you're doing this... I've missed you!
